About Us
Our Story
We use fresh ingredients, primarily locally sourced, organic, from top quality. Even if pizzas are considered “junk food”, our ingredients selection helps to invert the tendency and provide you only the best.
Not only our ingredients selection is important for us, but also the way we use them.
For example, our dough is slowly fermented -for at least 36 hours, this important process helps you to digest the pizza easier.

Everything local
We work with local farmers and businesses to reduce our carbon footprint and to empower each other. And we do our best to serve you only top quality food, making your mood a better tool, one pizza at a time. We are planting pizzas like we would plant seeds of positivity into your soul.
Fast but good food into your mood, or better said:
Fast good for your mood.
That’s what Plant A Pizza is about.
Meet The Team of Plant A Pizza

You can spot him behind the counter, and if you don’t, he’s either busy with administration or cooking in the studio, because Nico is also a music producer.
Passionate about food, his life took another turn 10 Yeats ago when he switched to a 100% plant-based lifestyle. So it’s not a coincidence that he’s part of the Plant a Pizza adventure.

After 20 years as a professional musician (including with Natalia, Stan Van Samang, and Metejoor) and many years as a wine and other beverages maker (Felix, Ghost in a Bottle), I have finally found what was missing in my career at Plant a Pizza: my passion for good and honest food!

Made in Chile, born and grew up in Belgium.
Fell in love with a wonderful woman and came back to Chile, where I studied international gastronomy. Our little family finally flew to Belgium with the idea of staying just a few years, and look… almost 20 years later, we’re still here, building a future.